There are many varieties of Mahindra 12 wheeler trucks available on for sale through the franchise from Mahindra Truck and Bus. These Mahindra 12 wheeler trucks are available in multiple models. To check details of the latest Mahindra 12 wheeler truck price, Mahindra 12 wheeler truck specifications, Mahindra 12 wheeler truck loading capacity, Mahindra 12 wheeler truck mileage and more, click on your desired Mahindra 12 wheeler truck model on our website
These heavy-duty trucks for business have got better and more efficient features. Mahindra, a famous Indian truck making company, is a big part of this industry. These trucks are made to handle large payload for commercial use for long distances. Mahindra 12 wheeler trucks have robust build, powerful engines, and advanced technology to ensure reliability and efficiency in various transportation tasks.
Some mahindra 12 wheeler truck models are listed below:-
Mahindra Blazo X 35 Lift Axle Truck
This Mahindra 12 wheeler truck have some specification which has gross vehicle weight of 35000 kg which has mPower 7.2 litre Fuel/Smart with the engine displacement of 7200 cc which generates the power of 280 Hp with the torque of 1050 Nm.
Here are some features of mahindra blazo X 35 lift axle truck which consist of tilt and telescopic adjustable power steering with fully suspended cabin. Mahindra 12 wheeler truck has air service brakes, exhaust brakes with ABS and seat belts.
Mahindra blazo X 35 lift axle 12 wheeler truck has the estimated mileage of 3.5- 4.5 Kmpl which totally depends upon road conditions, driver’s driving habits, average speed of the vehicle, and the load on the vehicle.
we know after knowing this much you are eager to know the price of this mahindra 12 wheeler model which is approximately between Rs. 37.67 lakhs to Rs. 38.13 lakhs which is also depends upon city to city, model to model, and state to state. Our website also offers you the EMI installments on valid prices and valid offers.
Mahindra Blazo X 35
This Mahindra 12 wheeler truck have some specification which has gross vehicle weight of 35000 kg which has mPower 7.2 litre Fuel/Smart with the engine displacement of 7200 cc which generates the power of 280 Hp with the torque of 1050 Nm
Here are some features of mahindra blazo X 35 truck which consist of tilt and telescopic adjustable power steering with fully suspended cabin. Mahindra 12 wheeler truck has air service brakes, exhaust brakes with ABS and seat belt for safety purpose.
Mahindra blazo X 35 12 wheeler truck has the estimated mileage of 3.5- 4.5 Kmpl which totally depends upon road conditions, driver’s driving habits, average speed of the vehicle, and the load on the vehicle.
we know after knowing this much you are eager to know the price of this mahindra 12 wheeler model which is approximately between Rs. 40.73 lakhs to 41.18 lakhs which is also depends upon city to city, model to model, and state to state. Our website also offers you the EMI installments on valid prices and valid offers.
So, what are you waiting for
just click on the given website above and book you Mahindra 12 wheeler truck.
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